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Find the Countries that are hidden
Since 1995, I have travelled to 51 countries. Yep, that is correct. I have travelled a lot. Some of these countries I have visited for job related tasks, and others, well, just for fun and tourism. I have been to four continents and I don’t even know how many landscapes, from deserts to glaciers…
The first thing I do before one of these trips is to get a good book about the country and read it intensely in order to extract some previous knowledge of other traveler. It seems easy to buy a book about a certain country but over the years I have become aware that really good books describing the culture, geography and history of a particular country are not easy to find. I usually spend quite a lot of time before buying that one book.
In this Spanish Countries Word Search I have hidden some of the countries I have visited over the years and others that I would like to visit ass soon as I can. All the countries (paises in Spanish) are arranged in any direction and they can overlap in the game.
Are you ready to solve this brain game about countries?
A table with all the countries translated
The countries of this puzzle translated in this table
Germany | Alemania |
France | Francia |
Venezuela | Venezuela |
Argentina | Argentina |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Ireland | Irlanda |
Scotland | Escocia |
Japan | Japon |
South Africa | Sudafrica |
Morroco | Marruecos |
Monaco | Monaco |
Italy | Italia |
Greece | Grecia |
Bulgary | Bulgaria |
Colombia | Colombia |
Iran | Iran |
Romania | Rumania |
Poland | Polonia |
Denmark | Dinamarca |
Norway | Noruega |
Sweden | Suecia |
Neatherlands | Holanda |
Belgium | Belgica |
Switzeland | Suiza |
Belize | Belice |
Argelia | Argelia |
Ucraine | Ucrania |
Brazil | Brasil |
The answer to this Spanish Countries Word Search
If something went wrong and you could not find the solution to this game you can find it by looking for Puzzle Number 006 or by the theme Countries here: Spanish Word Search Answers
Three funny facts about Countries you might not know.
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”
Charles M. Schulz
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